AquaSPArkle Immerse Hot Tub Filter Cartridge Cleaner Aqua Sachet

AquaSPArkle Immerse Hot Tub Filter Cartridge Cleaner Aqua Sachet


Regular price £3.99 We offer the best value prices in the UK! You won't find this quality at this price anywhere else.

Unit price We offer the best value prices in the UK! You won't find this quality at this price anywhere else.

Features we love
  • Soluble filter cleaner for a thorough overnight clean
  • Easy to use sachet for no mess, no guess, no stress
  • Removes dirt, grease, scale, rust and oils 
  • Keeps your filters in the best condition all year round
  • Prolongs the life of your spa and cartridges 
All about me

A sachet of filter cleaner for your hot tub is a simple and effective way to keep your hot tub running smoothly and efficiently.

By using our AquaSparkle, you can clean your spa’s filter with ease. If you do this regularly, you’ll help to to extend your tub’s lifespan, saving you money in the long run. The easy-to-use sachet simply dissolves in warm water, and all you need to do is soak your filter overnight. This will remove any built-up dirt and grime, leaving your filter clean and ready to use again.

Filter cleaning is an essential part of your hot tub maintenance routine, and will help you enjoy your hot tub for many years to come, as well as saving your pocket.

How to use

For best results, use every 4 to 6 weeks. Pour your AquaSPArkle sachet into a bucket full of clean water and mix together. Rinse debris off your hot tub filters and then place into the solution so it’s completely submerged. Leave to soak overnight and then rinse your filter with fresh water and allow to dry before placing it back into your spa.


How often should I clean my hot tub filters?

We recommend rinsing your hot tub filters once a week and giving them a full clean with cleaning tablets or powder every 4-6 weeks. This will ensure dirt, debris and pollutants are cleared quickly and effectively and will extend the life of your filter. A clean hot tub filter gives you more accurate results when testing the chemicals, meaning you could save money.

If you need more advice on keeping your filters clean, read our how to clean your hot tub filters guide

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