Jacuzzi® 2 Speed Hot Tub Pump

Jacuzzi® 2 Speed Hot Tub Pump

SKU: 6500-891

Regular price £330.00 We offer the best value prices in the UK! You won't find this quality at this price anywhere else.

Unit price We offer the best value prices in the UK! You won't find this quality at this price anywhere else.

Part Number

All about me

Buying the correct replacement hot tub pump for your Jacuzzi® spa is essential. Two speed hot tub pumps circulates water as well as powering the jets, it's more energy efficient so saves you money.

The pump or pumps your hot tub needs is dependant on the year and model of your Jacuzzi®. If your hot tub motor has two RPM numbers then you will need two-speed hot tub pump. If you cannot find your pump part number this may be because it is a 1-speed pump. If so, have a look at the Jacuzzi® Hot Tub 1 Speed Pump

You can easily find the pump part number written on the sticker on the top of the pump; this will be a 7 digit code starting '6500- '.

Need to now

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There are some pumps which are no longer manufactured. This will be the case if your hot tub was manufactured earlier than 20/03/2011. Jacuzzi® has now made replacement pumps for these. Please note that you may have to alter some piping/fittings to for the replacement pumps. 

  • If your part number is 6500-319 please order 6500-891
  • If your part number is 6500-291 please order 6500-899
  • If your part number is 6500-299 please order 6500-899


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