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BISHTA Awards 2020 - Changing Lives Winner

We're delighted to announce we won gold at the annual BISHTA industry awards 2020!

BISHTA was established in 2001 and exists to promote impeccable standards of safety, enjoyment and value, by registering suppliers of spas, hot tubs, accessories and water purification products. Being given a BISHTA award is always a proud moment for any company within the wet leisure industry.

We proudly sponsor a number of initiatives in the local Hull and Leeds area, one of which included donating one of our hot tubs to BBC's DIY SOS The Big Build. It was an honour to help struggling father Darren Hudson and his three sons.



Darren was devastatingly left paralysed from the waist down following a serious injury to his spinal cord. Our MD Paul said "It's the least we can do. As a company we have always done what we can to help the local community. When I heard about Darren's story and knew how much a hot tub could help him and his family, I knew we had to be involved".

We were extremely privileged to be able to contribute to the amazing project. Find out more about it here.



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